
16th Nov 22

CISUC joins the largest global artificial intelligence consortium

The consortium, led by Unbabel, will invest 78 million euros and create more than 210 jobs in Portugal, under the Recovery and Resilience Programme, announced Unbabel's vice president of product innovation, Paulo Dimas, during Web Summit 2022. Aiming to find solutions in the area of responsible artificial intelligence, the consortium has established a strategy based on three fundamental pillars - explainability, transparency and sustainability, thus aiming to respond to the risks of current machine learning technologies, such as bias and lack of transparency of the models generated.

The participation of the CISUC, member of the largest Associated Laboratory for Intelligent Systems (LASI) at national level, will include the development of algorithms that allow the creation of transparent transparent, fairer and more reliable models, incorporating techniques of explainability, bias elimination and robustness, necessary for the market establishment of responsible AI products. CISUC will also develop reliability mechanisms for human-computer interaction, as well as study the energy efficiency of models, leading to more sustainable AI.

The consortium will mobilise companies, hospitals and research centres from all over the country, and is composed of 11 startups (Unbabel, Feedzai, Sword Health, Apres, Automaise, Emotai, NeuralShift, Priberam, Visor. ai, YData and YooniK), 8 research centres located in Lisbon, Porto and Coimbra (Champalimaud Foundation, CISUC, Fraunhoffer Portugal AICOS, FEUP, INESC-ID, IST and IT) and several partners from the health area (Bial, Centro Hospitalar São João, Luz Saúde), tourism (Pestana Group) and retail (Sonae).

For this, it is foreseen the creation of a team composed by doctors and masters, which will allow the CISUC to position itself at the forefront of responsible artificial intelligence, as well as allow partner companies to hire advanced human resources in this area at the University of Coimbra.

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