
Short Bio

David Sousa Nunes received a Master’s in Biomedical Engineering in September 2010, from the Faculty of Science and Technology of University of Coimbra, specializing in Bioinformatics. David is currently enrolled in the Doctoral Program in Information Science and Technology as a member of the CISUC research group in the Department of Informatics Engineering of the University of Coimbra, working on the LCT-WSN subgroup. He held a research scholarship as part the European project FP7-ICT-2007-2 GINSENG (, where he gained experience as a reviewer for several documents and scientific articles. This experience continued to grow as he published articles and participated in the reviewing process for several scientific conferences in the area of wireless sensor networks. Currently, he is coordinating a collaborative project between the LCT-WSN research group and the PT Group, within the Labs.Sapo initiative. This project consists on the development of a nightlife mobile App where a user’s smartphone sensors are used to characterize the environment of discos and bars. This application serves as a test platform for his research work in the area of mobile applications and people-centric sensing. Specifically, David is currently studying mechanisms against intermittent connectivity through smooth connection handoffs between different network interfaces, applied in the context of mobile social applications.

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